Ready for the most productive 90-minutes of your Real Estate career?! Let’s do this!

Join me (Val Weber) to deep dive into what is working and what you’d love to be working, in your real estate business.

Together, we will create traction, talk tactics, and get you started on a clear path forward to build your RE business in the ways that feel authentic, energizing, & actually FUN to you.

Whether you’re seeking guidance and support around navigating sales conversations with prospective buyers amidst interest rate hikes + low inventory, generating new ideal leads without handing out a million business cards or feeling “salesy,” or any other aspect of what it REALLY takes to build a thriving Real Estate business (in any market) and a personal brand to back it up.

Prepare to leave our session feeling a renewed sense of clarity + inspiration that propels you into action, with actionable takeaways that you can start implementing immediately to reach your goals. 

The best part: you can use those same takeaways to make you money over and over again, year after year. 

Kick Your Biz Into Gear

Drop your email address below to get the details lickity split PLUS 4 actionable tips you can start implementing today to get leads & grow your biz👇🏼

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